Preserve your wares using a vacuum food sealer! Such Fun! Headover to Mr CoganTube for the unboxing! This is a Princess ...
Neuros OSD - SFS
Neuros OSD H.264 - I find an old electronics gadget for recording TV shows. What does SFS stand for I hear you ask
Finnish Wine Gums Review
I review more Finnish treats, these ones are very compatible with British taste buds! Twitter: Facebook: ...
Motorcycle HID Lamp Torch Hack Tutorial - Part 1
Using a recently removed HID unit, I attempt to fix and old broken torch lantern and replace its CFL with this extremely bright HID unit. Twitter: ...
Fallout 4 chatter reaction
Can't decide if I want to play this series from the beginning or cut my losses and go for the latest installment! Don't be a stranger, please click here for updates: ...
Motorcycle HID Lamp & Ballast Review
I review a motorcycle HID unit to boost your headlamps brightness and clarity. I am not sure if these are technically legal in the UK so do some research first!
Finnish Sweets Review #9 Salmiakki Chocolate
I review some crazy Finnish Salmiakki Treats - Salmiakki Chocolate, scary but amazing Finnish chocolate! Twitter: Facebook: ...
XBOX Kinect 3D Scanner Tripod Hack
How to fit an XBOX Kinect onto a standard video tripod to make stable 3D scans! Thanks to the Oxford hackspace - Twitter: ...
Finnish Sweets Review #8 Merkkari Mix
I review some crazy Finnish Salmiakki Treats - Merkkari Mix, ahh another Haribo style Finnish Treat, suitable for kids! Pirate Coins. Twitter: ...
Dangerpad - Elite:Dangerous open source custom hardware
I start a new project using bits lying around to make my own custom gaming hardware. I intend to opensource the lot so everyone can make their own custom ...
Dangerpad - Elite:Dangerous open source custom hardware
I start a new project using bits lying around to make my own custom gaming hardware. I intend to opensource the lot so everyone can make their own custom ...
Japanese Mochi Review
Time for some Mochi, that gelatinous bean filled rice cake - mmmmm! Twitter: Facebook: ...
Finnish Sweets Review #7 Turkish Pepper Hot
I review some crazy Finnish Salmiakki Treats - Turkish Pepper (Tyrkisk Peber) Hot, the strangeness is set to maximum with these bad boys! Twitter: ...
Microscope Fun - Eyeball Pupil Reaction Experiment
Scary microscope-into-eyeball fun! See how light effects the pupil. Fixed an old USB microscope and use it to test something we all know, but rarely observe!
Finnish Sweets Review #6 Vanhat Autot
I review some crazy Finnish Salmiakki Treats - Vanhat Autot, a nice chunk of liquorice, not too bitter! Twitter: Facebook: ...