Top 5 Atari ST Games (An impossible List!) You cannot make a top 5 Atari ST Games List!! Its impossible! Really it IS impossible, every time I write down a list I ...
USA Treats - M&Ms
USA Treats - M&Ms I try several varieties of m&m's we cannot get here in the UK! I am not disappointed, the problem is, once you get used to them they are really ...
DIY High Voltage Discharge Tester (AKA Diode Zapper) - CAUTION ADVISED
DIY High Voltage Discharge Tester - CAUTION ADVISED Tired of annoying diodes and irritating capacitors, zap them out of existence with this handy £1 DIY ...
DIY Light Diffuser Hack for filming
DIY Light Diffuser Hack for filming If you are on a budget, this is a neat way to get the lighting effect you need! Try it out with different colour papers and filters!
USA Trip - Twizzlers
USA Trip - Twizzlers I could not go to the USA and NOT try some Twizzlers! I am not disappointed with these, they are totally decadent and lovely! Don't be a ...
USA Trip - Unhealthy hotel treat selection!
USA Trip - Unhealthy hotel treat selection! A selection of bounty I found in the Walmart next to the hotel in Chicago! Not sure how much of this counts as 'food' ...
Laserbeak 360 VR Glasses Review
Laserbeak 360 VR Glasses Review Another Google Cardboard clone headset, this time with great features for a great price! QR CODES: ...
Teardown Lab - Central Heating Controller Spectacular Failure
Teardown Lab - Central Heating Controller Spectacular Failure My central heating controller exploded in the cupboard, lets see what happened! I have put ...
My top 5 BBC Micro Computer Games
My top 5 BBC Micro Computer Games My personal top 5 games on the BBC Micro, the ultimate retro computer! Come with me on a journey to the early 1980s ...
DIY PC PSU Ozone Generator Sanitiser Tutorial
DIY PC PSU Ozone Generator Sanitiser Tutorial Inspired by Guru Larry, I build a PC PSU enclosed ozone generation machine for producing toxic gas!
Teardown Lab - Music Box
Teardown Lab - Music Box You have heard these in Icecream vans and jewellery boxes, these are fascinating gadgets! I have put together Teardown Lab ...
USA Trip - Hotel Frozen Milk Cube
USA Trip - Hotel Frozen Milk Cube Nothing like a lovely coffee in the morning, how about a block of frozen milk to go with it? No idea why this milk was frozen ...
Remanufactured Printer Ink Cartridges
Re-manufactured Printer Ink Cartridges I show how easy it is to buy and install re-manufactured ink cartridges for pennies on the pound compared to originals!
USA Trip - Never used a hotel gym before
USA Trip - Never used a hotel gym before Cant sleep, I explore this strange old hotel to find a gym! Never really used hotel gyms, but this broke the seal, went on ...
Nintendo DS Bargain Game Finds
Nintendo DS Bargain Game Finds I am always keen to pickup any DS games I find even if not the typical ones! Glad to add these to my bulging collection of DS ...