Groovy 8 Way Opto Isolated Relay Board This is some real useful automation bread and butter right here! You Need one of these in your lives! Get out your ...
Mid November Catch-up 500 Videos Thank you!
Mid November Catch-up 500 Videos Thank you! I cannot believe its 500 videos already! I think I need to stop! :) Thank you so much for your support guys!
Testing the airflow through an open frame case
Testing the airflow through an open frame case My computer is overheating and I like work out a solution so I can run with all cores turned on! Should it suck, or ...
Teeny Tiny Rare Earth Magnets
Teeny Tiny Rare Earth Magnets I accidentally ordered some tiny Neodymium magnets by mistake and try to find a use for them! There are so ubiquitous on eBay ...
Teardown Lab - Barclays Bank Pinpad Hacked Apart!
Teardown Lab - Barclays Bank Pinpad Hacked Apart! Lets have a look inside a banking smartcard pin reader terminal thingy! Gemalto Pinpad reader available ...
Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD Drive
Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD Drive Finally a replacement to my failing Lite-On! Hopefully this drive will prove a lot more reliable! You can get your own ...
Elliott Smith - Needle In The Hay (Craig Alan Hughes Acoustic Cover)
Elliott Smith - Needle In The Hay (Craig Alan Hughes Acoustic Cover) Technically a shaving video, but something a little different from the norm, combining a few ...
Cool Bioworld Nintendo & Marvel Captain America Belt Buckle Review
Cool Bioworld Nintendo & Marvel Captain America Belt Buckle Review I review a couple of Snazzy belt buckles (and belts!) that have an amazing nostalgic retro ...
Barshens at MCM Comic Con 2016 Teaser
Barshens at MCM Comic Con 2016 Teaser Met my inspiration for starting a YouTube channel at a recent convention. The venerable duo now known as ...
LG LAS260B Soundbar Unboxing great product!
LG LAS260B Soundbar Unboxing This turned out to be a great audio device, I really enjoy using it! Works great on all its inputs especially optical and integrates ...
TIFU! Awesome Mystery Parcel Time! Unboxing Fun!
TIFU! Awesome Mystery Parcel Time! Unboxing Fun! Yay its mystery parcel time! Actually there is a really cool unexpected item in this video! I am really pleased!
TIFU! Awesome Mystery Parcel Time! Unboxing Fun!
TIFU! Awesome Mystery Parcel Time! Unboxing Fun! Yay its mystery parcel time! Actually there is a really cool unexpected item in this video! I am really pleased!
Velocap HDMI Capture Card Review
Velocap HDMI Capture Card Review I talk about a dodgy HDMI capture card that knackered my installation! Be Warned! Now you can buy me a coffee! Please ...
Easily wall mount a power strip or modem
Easily wall mount a power strip or modem A Quick how-to to make your life a lot easier to mount your gear onto your wall! Now you can buy me a coffee! Please ...
I got sent some Dirk Gently novels! Yay!
I got sent some Dirk Gently novels! Yay! I am looking forward to my first experience of Douglas Adams' holistic detective! Now you can buy me a coffee! Please ...