Teardown Lab - Fanfare Language Translator Do you remember these in Argos and on the back of newspaper supplements? Despite phones being better at it, ...
Teardown Lab - Sleepy Sound Machine
Teardown Lab - Sleepy Sound Machine Hard time sleeping, you NEED one of these! It actually does help!! Many thanks for @fairfight14 for this!
Teardown Lab - Sharp EL640 Talking Calculator
Teardown Lab - Sharp EL640 Talking Calculator I fixed this rather tricky brute! Why don't all gadgets talk like this calculator does? To my surprise you can still ...
Teardown Lab - Angry Dad Cyber Robot Build
Teardown Lab - Angry Dad Cyber Robot Build I do the decent dad thing and build my son a robot kit. Never work with kids or animals! Its an ok kit after all, pretty ...
Teardown Lab - I have a big clock
Teardown Lab - I have a big clock Being a parent is all about learning the skills to deal with stuff like this! Amazon has this useful glue!
Teardown Lab - Water Filter Fun
Teardown Lab - Water Filter Fun I am too cheap to buy water filters, so this is how I intend to re-purpose this one! #cheapo Now you can buy me a coffee! Please ...
Chinup Bar for a tenner
Chinup Bar for a tenner I bought this chin-up bar to improve my upper body strength #maximumfailz This is pretty good actually, it installed pretty easy and is ...
Teardown Lab - Accelerometer Gyro PCB
Teardown Lab - Accelerometer Gyro PCB I totally forgot why I ordered this, its specifications and what it does. Not a great start! Apparently it is an MPU-6050 ...
Nintendo Handheld Haul
Nintendo Handheld Haul Nothing like the smell of fresh Nintendo in the morning! I am very excited with this one! #2ds #mariomaker This is so cool, I simply ...
Teardown Lab - Modifying Wii U Charging base for silicone skin
Teardown Lab - Modifying Wii U Charging base for silicone skin Nothing like wrapping your controller in dead zombie flesh only to find it does not charge!
Judge Dredd Beer or Mouse Mat
Judge Dredd Beer or Mouse Mat I AM THE LAW! #judgedredd Enough said!! How cool are these, I love the detail on this thing! You could practically make your ...
Wii U Silicone Case
Wii U Silicone Case I try a silicone sleeve to protect my precious Wii U controller, now they do not make them anymore! Now you can buy me a coffee! Please ...
Black and Blum charcoal water bottle eau good!
Black and Blum charcoal water bottle Yes, just what I needed! A water bottle with a stick in it! My life is complete! #winning Interestingly a question prompted me ...
Teardown Lab - G24 to G23 LED Conversion
Teardown Lab - G24 to G23 LED Conversion I gone done cocked up an order and now need to extract myself from my own mess! #hacking ahoy! I later had to ...
Bargain Sinclair Spectrum +2 Playtime
Bargain Sinclair Spectrum +2 Playtime Lets see how this Spectrum +2 fares in game-play, I have plenty of cassettes to try! A little harder to find this original ...