Teardown Lab - Chinese Birdsound IC

Ahhh, nothing like the soothing sound of birdsong! Arghh its nothing like the soothing sound of birdsong!
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Teardown Lab - Sharp Elsi Mate EL 8005S

I think its time I have another crack at repairing this classic clakka clakka dak dak! Thanks to @billysastard1 for sending it in!

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Teardown Lab - Backoffice Belt Repair

It finally happened, my copious gut bust though its shackles! What to expect, its the fuel tank for the sex machine! :)
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Teardown Lab - China Mailbag

Lets see what I will be upto this week, likely dictated by the contents of this bag!
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Thanks you lovely people!



Teardown Lab - Portable Retropie Arcade Build July Update

Lets get this gaming system on the road! Portable RetroPie Action!

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Teardown Lab - CNC Milling Das modelling clay

I find out if there is a cheap and easily machinable material for quick prototype testing!
Want to build your own machine? I got mine on Amazon and you can too! Just follow the links:
UK: http://amzn.to/2sYEGym
USA: http://amzn.to/2tn1p6A

Want to keep track of my content? There is a fully searchable archive at www.backofficeshow.c­om, please check it out!

Now you can buy me a coffee! Please support me on Patreon athttp://patreon.com/BackofficeShow

Thanks you lovely people!



Teardown Lab - Nintendo Famiclone Repair

I try to fix this borked Nintendo Famiclone, this is likely to be a two parter!

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Teardown Lab - Nintendo Famiclone

Ever heard of a Nintendo Famicom? This is its mutant counsin, the Famiclone!

More famiclone videos: https://backofficeshow.com/search?q=famiclone

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Teardown Lab - CNC Milling inking stamps using polymer clay

Lets get technical, want to make your own ink stamps and want them better than half a potato? Try this! :)

Want tobuild your own machine? I got mine on Amazon and you can too! Just follow the links:

UK: http://amzn.to/2sYEGym

USA: http://amzn.to/2tn1p6A

Want to keep track of my content? There is a fully searchable archive at www.backofficeshow.com, please check it out!

Now you can buy me a coffee! Please support me on Patreon at http://patreon.com/BackofficeShow

Thanks you lovely people!

Teardown Lab - Boobie Seven Segment Display

Its time to start making things! Get your Boobies out and warm your solder, lets do this!

This is a jolly fun build and really demonstrates the build in firmware and how really you do not need too much to get started in microelectronics!

Find the full code and NEW PCB DESIGN for this project :


Get you own Boobie Board:


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Now you can buy me a coffee! Please support me on Patreon at http://patreon.com/BackofficeShow

Thanks you lovely people!

Teardown Lab - ELM 327 OBDII Dongle

These are not super fantastic dongles, but do work pretty well and can save you ££££ on garage bills!
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Thanks you lovely people!

Teardown Lab - CNC Infilled keyring

I want to revisit this topic and do it properly for you. Kickstarter favourite, a keyring :)

Want tobuild your own machine? I got mine on Amazon and you can too! Just follow the links:

UK: http://amzn.to/2sYEGym

USA: http://amzn.to/2tn1p6A

Want to keep track of my content? There is a fully searchable archive at www.backofficeshow.com, please check it out!

Now you can buy me a coffee! Please support me on Patreon at http://patreon.com/BackofficeShow

Thanks you lovely people!

Teardown Lab - Backoffice Box!

Want a nice cardboard box? Even better if filled with electronic goodness? Then GET THIS NOW!
Available right now at:http://backofficeshow.com/shop
Patreon Patrons get a HUGE discount, please check my Patreon page (listed below)
Want to keep track of my content? There is a fully searchable archive at www.backofficeshow.c­om, please check it out!

Now you can buy me a coffee! Please support me on Patreon athttp://patreon.com/BackofficeShow

Thanks you lovely people!