Teardown Lab - Mystery Packages

Life is a mystery, Everyone must stand alone, I hear you call my name
And it feels like Atari ROM chips!
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Teardown Lab - Resin Casting

Under the gun I actually have to make something and finish it nicely. This is my approach! Want to keep track of my content? There is a fully searchable archive at www.backofficeshow.c­om, please check it out! Now you can buy me a coffee! Please support me on Patreon at http://patreon.com/BackofficeShow Thanks you lovely people!

Teardown Lab - Prinztronic Scientific

Another calculator with a mysterious ailment. Hmmm.

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Teardown Lab - GoTek inspection

Own a #retro system with a floppy drive? Consider one of these!

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Teardown Lab - Arduino CNC Driver

Teardown Lab - Arduino CNC Driver Knackered CNC machine? Thinking of making one? You are going to need some of these! You can get these on Amazon right away! USA: http://amzn.to/2w33ibz UK: http://amzn.to/2vY7niR Want to keep track of my content? There is a fully searchable archive at www.backofficeshow.c­om, please check it out! Now you can buy me a coffee! Please support me on Patreon at http://patreon.com/BackofficeShow

Teardown Lab - Ozen CANBUS Simulator

Not as exciting as a bus simulator, but still interesting nonetheless! Very hand for automotive diagnostics for sure! Want to keep track of my content? There is a fully searchable archive at www.backofficeshow.c­om, please check it out!