Transforming Andrew - Running

Transforming Andrew - Running Its been a while since I fitness blogged, but in the meantime I have become a runner! Its an interesting past-time and you will ...

CREE LED Head Torch Review

CREE LED Head Torch Review I review a fantastic budget head torch that is full of features and a super bright adjustable LED! Excellent and readily available ...

Neti Pot Tutorial

Neti Pot Tutorial If you manage not to drown yourself and happy to leave your dignity at the door then a Neti Pot is a great way to clear your sinuses! I am using it ...

Copper Shaving Bowl

Copper Shaving Bowl I got sent a great shaving bowl from Turkey, I put it and some Arko soap to the test! Many thanks for Burak for sending this in, it was a great ...

Alenka Russian Chocolate

Alenka Russian Chocolate I try this vanilla flavoured chocolate from Russia, it is an interesting taste compared to Cadburys! Maybe you can pick some up in the ...

Tuff Pen Review

Tuff Pen Review I pick up this allegedly 'tuff' pen for a few pounds and see if it is any good. A great pen, if you can find one, well worth picking up. Please ...

Reusable Handwarmers

Reusable Handwarmers I grab a set of reusable handwarmers and explain a little bit about how they work! These are neat, and as the price, a nice bit of ...