Come and listen to our guests lives in retro in Retro Island Diskettes!
Come and listen to our guests lives in retro in Retro Island Diskettes!
I made an oopsie in today's video and soldered a resistor where a capacitor should be, no harm though, just a few mA turned into heat during operation.
Anyways thanks to everyone who pointed this out, I have added some surface mount tech to the HitBit to sort this out:
What a fantastic Weekend, I have not had so much fun in as long as I can remember! It was seriously nice to hang out with fellow YouTubers and experience the majesty of all these lovely Arcade Cabs!
Sorry for not filming too much gameplay, but I only have 2 hands :)
Patrons, you made this possible! Thank you & much Love!
Many thanks to PLAY EXPO & The Reto Hour Podcast
A very special thanks to all the YouTubers who made this a brilliant weekend, especially Kim Justice, DJ Slopes, Ocatv1us, RetroManCave, Mr Biffo!, TopHatGaming, Ashens, Nostalgia Nerd and fantastic tweeting gent Lord Arse!
Kim Justice:
Slopes Game Room:
Octav1us Kitten:
Retro Man Cave:
MyBiffo (Digitiser2000):
Nostalgia Nerd:
Mark Evans (Lost my card!!) Retro Gaming Wales:
Ok, I dont really have any fancy pants automation to keep my Blog and YouTube Volg synchronised, I do it all myself and I have been rather lazy! I can see that I am well over a month out and will have to settle down and add these entries! However, if you are chomping at the bit you can head over to my YouTube Page at:
With CES2018, Hoover Dam, Detroit Motor Show and my Tesla Model 3 adventures I am pretty busy, but I promise to keep the videos coming! Thanks for your patience!
This little beasty is worth replacing, soooooo ancient :)
Finally I can sleep easily and get this out of my life!
Lets hit the nail on the head now. Its done!
Apparently the magic carpet of the 3D printing world!
We are getting warmer! I can almost taste the gear oil!
More keyboard heating fun!
This seems impossible, but i am sure it can be done!
You do not want to know how this smells! Eurgh!
Cold hands? How about a warm keyboard?
Yay! Its cheap to repair this little beastie!